We had ordered this same ring from another seller and it was returned due to quality issues. This ring was pleasantly more detailed than the previous ring we received from the other seller. Aside from the fact it was also about 33% less expensive. Shipping was quick and trackable so what else would you expect? My wife was very pleased with our purchase which definitely makes it a five star review!
debbie r.
The ring is just so beautiful and so shiny. I am very pleased.
Mary c.
Very pleased. Thank you.
Linda .
I now have this ring in both white gold and yellow gold. It is a terrific design. And I will enjoy them both for years to come.
Karen A.
Loved the ring. It is just beautiful. Love the fact it is made in America.
Janet M.
I love it.
Gail P.
This ring is even prettier than in the website photo! It fits perfectly, and just shines and sparkles!
Michael B.
Beautiful ring with excellent service and fast delivery.
Thank you.